Moisturiser comparison

Were surrounded by dermatologists and beauty experts telling us how important it is to use a good moisturiser regularly, will help fight of signs of aging and generally improve the appearance of your skin.

I’m constantly torn between two of my favorite moisturisers and they are: Vaseline Essential Moisture Lotion and Neil’s Yard Frankincense & Mandarin Body Lotion. 

The Neil’s Yard lotion has the most amazing aroma of frankincense and mandarin, a combination I’ve not smelt together before but I am glad to say I was pleasantly surprised! The moisturising ability doesn’t match the Vaseline lotion but all the same it works well as 12 hour coverage during the day.

The scent of the Vaseline lotion is pleasant and definitely not as clinical as other lotions but it isn’t particularly fragrant. However if my legs are feeling really dry and worse for ware during the harsh winter months especially, I always use the Vaseline lotion as it provides a deep 48 hour preservation of my skin that lasts.

Overall both products are well worth a try, what I would say is that if you are looking for a more cosmetic moisturiser then I would go for the Neil’s Yard Remedies lotion.

Thanks for reading, more posts are coming soon!

Bethany Jane  x x

Twitter: @beautyblogbeth

Instagram: beff_jane

Pintrest: bethanyjanesaul

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